“Since I received my flaxseed order from you I’ve enjoyed eating it and use it in many recipes. It’s so good and very tasty! I’m also impressed to see all the pictures and information about your beautiful family farm! I enjoyed talking to you and thank you for helping me with my order. I will be your customer forever!”
“My first Golden Valley flax order has arrived, and I am thrilled with the taste and quality! Your personal touch is heartwarming and much appreciated.”
Anita in Montana
“I really appreciated the flax. I have not seen anything like your flax for quality. I trust your product and I want to continue purchasing flax from your family farm.”
Sharon in the Ozarks
“Wowzers! Last time I ordered one bag of Golden Valley Flax to ‘check it out’ and you kindly sent me a 2nd bag for free. So now I am out and back to order again! Have a great holiday season.”
“I will definitely be ordering all my flax seed from you. You have the best flax I have ever tasted.”
“I continue to take 2-4 tablespoons of ground flax seeds daily. I know that it has boosted my immune system as I no longer pick up every illness that goes around at work. It has also lowered my cholesterol levels . Thanks for growing these healthy little seeds.”
“This flax is the best! It is clear, fresh and does it’s job!”
“The Best!”
“I have been using flax in my diet for about 4 years. I’m 82 years old, in very good health. Have always exercised regularly and walk every day. Have lots of energy.”
JK – Oregon
“I bought your flax to help fight my high cholesterol. I add it to my smoothies and make flax granola. I am now off all of my cholesterol medicine and my cholesterol is normal!”
BS – North Dakota
“Thank you for introducing me to your flax seed. Not only can I not imagine my morning oatmeal without it, but it has helped me in several health related areas.”
DS – Minnesota
“I just wanted to thank you for your SUBURB flax product. It has significantly assisted my digestive system, which is needed due to my health status.”
Again-Thank you!!!
DS – Maryland
“Dear Mr. Hylden;
First off, let me say that you grow a wonderful flaxseed. I was first introduced to flax seed last July. My interest at the time was the fiber value, because I had a bout with colon cancer over a year ago and was advised to keep my intake of fiber high. I have since come to learn about all of the other healthful attributes if flax seed. My wife and I both now eat your flaxseed daily.”
TF – California
I have been using flax seed in my diet for about 4 years….I’m 82 years old, in very good health. Have always exercised regularly and walk every day. Have lots of energy.”
JK – Oregon
“Dear Esther,
Just a line to let you know I’m enjoying the cookbook (The Amazing Flax Cookbook) so much. And not to mention all the info you sent. I was so happy to get it.”
JK – Oregon
“Hello Hyldens,
Thanks for your prompt service, however it is the same service as you have always given me. …I had heard about flax’s health benefits, but had never tried any. I had tried vinegar, garlic, msm, and I forget what else along with Zocar, Lipitor, and presently Crestor to control my cholesterol. …my cholesterol was as high as 426. Today my cholesterol is 169, it has been as high as 187 and as low as 149 since I started on your flax. Today I recommend flax to anyone with cholesterol problems. …now my doctor reminds my to stay on my flax.
Your customer for LIFE,”
JN – South Dakota
“Dear Mark and Esther,
The “Flax-Pax” arrived yesterday. Already Dad has used every single one of them! To find a measure of relief for the arthritis aches and pains is wonderful! Thank you ever so much!
Hello Hyldens,
Thanks for your prompt service, however it is the same service as you have always given me. .I had heard about flaxs health benefits, but had never tried any. I had tried vinegar, garlic, msm, and I forget what else along with Zocar, Lipitor, and presently Crestor to control my cholesterol. my cholesterol was as high as 426. Today my cholesterol is 169, it has been as high as 187 and as low as 149 since I started on your flax. Today I recommend flax to anyone with cholesterol problems. .now my doctor reminds me to stay on my flax.
Your customer for LIFE,
JN – South Dakota
Thank you for introducing me to your flax seed. Not only can I not imagine my morning oatmeal without it, but it has helped me in several health related areas.
DS – Minnesota
Dear Mark,
Yes, I enjoyed our visit as well and that I talked directly to you gave me a feeling of “home” and “normalcy”. I really can’t quite explain it, but I felt as though we have been friends for years!
Please know that you and your family and farm are in our prayers for continued blessings as you are a blessing to others.