A Study on the effects of Flax Seed Oil and Flax Seed Meal on Colon Tumors
We were thankful to have an opportunity to work with Dr. Maratha Verghese of Alabama A&M University in a study about how flax can help fight against colon cancer. Our family lost a loved one to colon cancer and to have a chance to donate our Golden Valley Flax to research in the fight against ... Read more

Golden Valley Flax mentioned in AAA Living
We were recently mentioned in the nationally distributed AAA Living magazine produced by AAA Auto Club. [button link=”https://www.goldenvalleyflax.com/wp-content/uploads/AAA-Living-ND-Local-41.pdf” window=”yes”]Read the Article Here[/button] Flaxseed Golden Valley Flax began with a breakfast table revelation. Mark and Esther Hylden had been eating high fiber, Omega-3- and antioxidant-rich flaxseed to help control Mark’s cholesterol when they realized: “We could ... Read more

North Dakota Agriculture Magazine 2016-2017
We were thrilled to be featured in the 2016-2017 issue of North Dakota Agriculture Magazine. [threecol_one] [/threecol_one] [threecol_one] [/threecol_one] [threecol_one_last] [/threecol_one_last] [button link=”https://www.prweb.com/releases/2017/04/prweb14290231.htm” window=”yes”]Read the Full Article[/button] (We’re on pages 60-63)

Reclaiming Sodic Soils – Dakota Farmer August 2018
Esther and I thought you might enjoy reading about how we take care of the land that we have been blessed with. Good soil stewardship is very important not only to us but to all who come after us. It is also a part of what we do to produce healthy and safe food for ... Read more