Golden Valley Flax

Golden Valley Flax fights against inflammatory diseases

Golden Valley Flax can help fight against many diseases. Recent Harvard Medical study shows that flax fights inflammatory diseases.
Mark Hylden featured in Dakota Farmer for soil stewardship accomplishments

Get to know the Farmer of Golden Valley Flax

Golden Valley Flax farmer awarded as best farmer in North Dakota

Get to know the Flax Lady

Esther of Golden Valley Flax is the Flax Lady and has been honored by prestigious organizations for her work in promoting the health benefits of flax.
Esther Hylden named Country Woman of the Year

Get to know the farm family that grows Golden Valley Flax

We have earned the trust and been recognized by several well known organizations for our outstanding high quality Golden Valley Flax and we wanted you to know that we can be trusted to provide you family with the best tasting award winning flax available in the nation