Some years ago I was run over by a tractor without brakes on a steep and narrow hill road. The neighbors tractor crushed my tractor and his big wheels ended up two feet from my head. Thankful to God to be alive but his criminal negligence caused permanent neck pain for me. On our family farm we have always been taught to improvise and make things good once again. That was the impetus for creating the therapeutic flax-pax. I needed to find a way to provide pain relief to my injured shoulder and neck. What I also knew about our Golden Valley Flax was that the high oil content holds heat and cold for a very long period of time. As a farmer I have shoveled flax from a bin for decades and knew first hand the feeling of flax surrounding my legs. What I needed was a way to capture the flax and hold it around my injury. The old creative repair juices flowed in my thoughts and soon we came up with a design called the therapeutic flax-pax to put the flax just where it was needed. Now we have sold thousands of these wonderful flax-pax and we wanted to highlight this great idea in time for Christmas gift giving. We have testimonials from many that have had covid-19 aches and pains that said nothing helped except for the Golden Valley Flax therapeutic flax-pax.
Newsletter just published, promo code Christmas – free bag of flax
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View our newsletter at https://conta.cc/2JLyjvN and there you will be able to read all about it. The flax-pax, a great Christmas cookie recipe, a testimonial from a customer that is cancer free and a study from Duke University showing that flax may reduce the risk of cancer https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/06/070603215443.htm#:~:text=and%20become%20cancerous.-,Flaxseed%2C%20an%20edible%20seed%20that%20is%20rich%20in%20omega%203,Duke%20University%20Medical%20Center%20researchers and a final tribute to my late father that said in August that our Golden Valley Flax was the best ever. Order now at http://www.goldenvalleyflax.com

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