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A Fast Flax Fact from Golden Valley Flax

Add Ground Flaxseed to your DietFive Easy Ways to Add Ground Flaxseed to your Diet:

  1.  Add ground flaxseed to your oatmeal or cereal.
  2. Mix ground flaxseed into your yogurt or cottage cheese.
  3. Mid-morning snack attack?  Snack on a flax- granola bar or muffin.
  4. Sprinkle ground flax on your  fruit or vegetable salad.
  5. Add Omega-3’s, fiber and cancer fighting lignans to your smoothie.

….Fresh from our farm to your home….

[button link=”https://www.goldenvalleyflax.com/product-category/flax-seed/” bg_color=”#26469A” border=”#26469A”]Shop Our Natural Golden Omega Flaxseed[/button]

To your good health,
Esther Hylden RN
Golden Valley Flax

Source:  Eat Right. Live Bright!
